Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Change..It can be a good thing.

This past few weeks I've really been doing a lot of thinking about the direction my life has been going. Where my focus and interests were and whether or not they were really in the right places. One thing about canvassing, all of that time spent walking sure gives you plenty of time alone with nothing to do but think and walk. Sometimes that's what you really need..time to just think everything out. Somewhere during all of those hours I finally came to really realize that even though I had convinced myself that my interests and focus's where just fine..they really weren't and it was time to stop ignoring it and do something about it. I guess i just needed something that really spoke to my heart..and I can't even really explain what it exactly was, I do know that I'm working hard on getting things back on track and figuring things out. Nothing is going to really work in your life unless you make sure to involve God, he's the only one that will get you through.


  1. I know what you mean. I do the same things. Just push it all away and try to ignore it and fight it. Then when I come to a hard place in my life, and try to figure it out on my own and realize I can't do it alone, I call on God. Talk about a roller coaster ride! Bleck. I'm still learning to depend on God completely at all times. I can be so stubborn. :P Hang in there =)

    Love ya chica! Friends4eva! <3

  2. It definitely is a roller coaster ride. stubborn us. :P Love ya too chica! <3 :)
