Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 20.

I've been home for 20 days. It feels good to be out of school, but I miss my friends so much! In some ways I feel cut off from the world. I am living on a wheel that rotates from sleep to eating to working, and then starts the process all over again. Sabbath is the one difference in the week.
     There for a while I was overcome with a feeling of panic because I really had no idea what I was going to be doing when college started, but now i've settled on the plan I've had for the last year and a half, Southern. Except now I've changed my major, instead of cleaning peoples teeth, i'm going to be nursing them back to health, or at least try to that is. We'll see how good I am at that.
    Since no one really reads the stuff I post on here I can be sappy and mushy and not feel ridiculous. I miss my boyfriend so much! As much as I love summer I want it to be over with so I can be with him. Even then though we're going to be separated. We'll be living in the same state, but going to different colleges. Taking the same classes, aiming for the same major, but not together. But hey, at least he'll only be a couple of hours away then. Now for the next seven weeks to hurry up and pass so Smartstart starts and I'm with Heidi. Sometimes I don't know what to do without Heidi and Trey, and of course the rest of the motley gang( you know who you are if you ever read this).

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